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Aroma Touch Massage

The Aroma Touch Massage is a clinical approach to applying essential oils along contact points of the back and feet to help stimulate and balance sympathetic and para-sympathic nervous systems of the body. The Aroma Touch technique improves well-being by reducing physical and emotional stressors and by supporting healthy autonomic function.This gentle massage uses smooth gliding strokes to help you relax and release stress and tension from your body and is excellent for someone who wants to bring their stress levels down or just needs a pick me up. Maintain physical, mental and emotional well being, especially as a part of your regular wellness routine, calm the nervous system, reduce tension and anxiety, help relieve depression, improve blood circulation delivering oxygen and nutrients to the cells, stimulate the lymphatic system to carry away the body’s waste and help activate natural healing processes in your body to restore and maintain physical and emotional well-being.

Aroma Touch Massage $60

Image by Christin Hume
Aroma Touch Massage: Services
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